Jeff Caplinger
Owner/Licensed Guide
Useful Expressions
English Italian Pronunciation
Good morning Buon giorno Bwown JOHR-no
Good evening Buona sera BWOW-nah SAY-rah
Good night Buona notte BWOW-nah NWOT-tay
Hello Ciao CHEOW
I'll be seeing you Arrivederci ahr-ree-va-DARE-chee
My name is Jeff Mi chiamo Goffredo Mee KYAH-mo goh-FREH-doh
Please Per favore pehr fah-vo-ray
Thank you Grazie GRAH-tsyay
How are you? Come sta? KO-may-stah?
You're welcome Prego PRAY-go
Very well thanks. And you? Molto bene, grazie. E Lei? Mohl-toh BEY-nay, GRAH-tsyay.
ay LEH-ee?
Walking Around
English Italian Pronunciation
Where is the ticket office? Dov'e' la biglietteria? Dohv-AY la beel-yayt-tay-REE-ah?
Excuse me, where are we? Mi scusi, dove siamo? Mee SKOO-zee, DOH-vay syam-o?
I speak a little Italian Parlo un po' d'italiano PAHR-lo oon po lee-tahl-yah-no
Let's go dancing! Andiamo ballare! Ahn-DYA-moh bahl-LAH-ray!
How much? Quanto? KWAHN-toh?
A coffee, please Un caffe per favore. Oon kahf-FAY, pehr fah-VOH-ray.
Before you depart on your exciting tour of Italy, here are a few phrases and useful words to start you on your way... in Italian of course.
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